project BLF > class BApplicationProperty > dataset dAppServerInformationV01

table tAppserverCustomizations


List of customized events

field namedata typedescription

table tAppserverHotfixes

field namedata typedescription
tcPersistenProcedureNamecharacterName of a persistent procedure.

table tAppserverProcess


Appserver processes

field namedata typedescription
tcHostNamecharacterHost name
tcLastChangecharacterIndication of when the appserver process last changed
tiPacketsReceivedintegerPackets received by the appserver process
tiPacketsSentintegerPackets sent by the appserver process
tcPortcharacterport on which the appserver process is listening
tcProcessIdcharacterId of the appserver process
tiRequestsintegerNumber of requests handled by this appserver process
tcStartedcharacterIndication when the appserver process has started.
tcStatecharacterState of the appserver process

table tAppserverPropath


Appserver propath

field namedata typedescription
tcPropathEntrycharacterEntry in the propath

table tAppserverProperty


Appserver properties

field namedata typedescription
tcDescriptioncharacterDescription of an appserver property
tcPropertycharacterAppserver property
tcValuecharacterValue of an appserver property

Internal usage

method BApplicationProperty.APIGetAppServerInformationV01